Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thing 33: Online Art Games

This discovery exercise was quite fun. I explored all of the online art suggestions on the Learning 2.1 blog plus Jamie's suggestion in the ning forums. Falling Sand was interesting but it didn't keep my attention long enough to create anything with it. Since it was moving all the time it felt more like an Etch-a-Sketch with a mind of its own. Mr. Picassohead pulled me in and I tinkered with it a good while. I also liked that you could email your creations to others or yourself.

Zefrank's Snowflake Maker took me a couple of times to get the hang of. The trick is not to do too many swipes through. The more you add the less you can see the details.

Zefrank's String Spin was amazing to watch while it whirled your doodles into fantastic shapes. You can even change direction x,y, and z axis and even color of your strings.

The last one I played with actually came from the Learning 2.1 Forums on Ning. Jamie mentioned her favorite was and I just had to try it since I've used Pollock's signature paint splatter style on some Japanese lanterns I have in my living room.
Overall it was great fun!



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