Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thing 35: Micro Blogging

I created an account with Twitter and it was very straightforward through the whole process. One glitch, when I went to pull friends lists from my email accounts, Twitter kept hanging up. But searching for library and librarian brought up several people and places that I knew right away so I set them to 'follow'. The 140 character limit of Twitter means that I'll be using TinyURL often. :) It was also easy to add Twitter as a badge to my blog and to my social networking sites. I like that I can add a message to Twitter and have my status show up in all of the places I have linked it to.

I tried to create a Jaiku account but there are not accounts available at the moment. Jaiku said it would email me when an account came available. It's in the process of joining with Google. I wonder if that is the reason I could not sign up.

So I tried Pownce . It has a much easier 'find friends' feature. You can also see who your friends are friends with. Sort of like Facebook and MySpace. You can create a personalized theme for your background and can add links, files, or events. It allows you the largest amount of space for your microblogging.

I can really see micro blogging as a useful tool for library program promotions. Especially as an eye catcher to your website. It's also a nice way to alert readers to updates to your blog or website.



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